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The Body of Christ


Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12 Reflection: Here are some facts about the human body: - There are anywhere between 60,000-100,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body. - - Laid end-to-end, they would stretch around the world more than three times. - Your body produces 25 million new cells every second. - The human body has about 2.5 million sweat pores. - Your heart will beat around 2.5 billon times by the age of 70.

- It is the only muscle which does not get tired. The human body must be one of the most amazing parts of God’s creation. It’s intricacy and fine balance are wonderful. Perhaps we only appreciate this when things go wrong. The Apostle Paul takes the image of the body to illustrate our relationship with one another, and with Christ. Of all the images Paul uses for the church (the Bride of Christ, God’s building, God’s household, God’s army, etc.), this is the one I love the most. Two things it teaches us:

Equally Important Paul often enjoys playing with words (e.g. Rom. 7:14-20), and I picture him with a smile on his face as he wrote to the Corinthians here: “Now if the foot should say, ‘Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body’… If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be?” But it is an important point. Every part of the body has a vital role. No redundant appendages here, such as the coccyx (though some scientists question that). Big or small, visible or hidden, every part is equally important to the health of the whole body. This reflects God’s own view of each of his children. Each one is of infinite value to him, not one is ever out of his thoughts. Many reading this will have a physical disease or impairment. Not only is that part of the body affected, but the whole body suffers, too. We may find that our life is restricted by the pain or the absence of a body part. Other parts of our body have to compensate for the lack. For example, if your heart is not pumping as well as it should, the body's hormone and nervous systems try to make up for this by increasing blood pressure, holding on to salt (sodium) and water in the body, and increasing heart rate. 1 Verse 26: If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it. As with the human body, so in the body of Christ. If any part of the body of Christ is not functioning correctly, the whole will be weakened. Others may need to ‘step in’ and compensate, or perhaps some aspect of ministry simply cannot be carried out.

Beautifully Diverse

I don’t know whether I want to be described as a foot. I much prefer the idea of being a hand! But that’s not the point here (never read too much into an illustrations and parables). This passage comes in the context of gifts and service (read again vv.1- 7). God, in his infinite wisdom, has blessed us with different personalities and abilities, which we can use in his service. Maybe I can preach a reasonable sermon to adults (I leave you to judge…), but you are much better at teaching young children. Another can make a visitor feel welcomed, but someone else prefers to be serving the refreshments in the background.

In addition to these natural abilities, God gives each believer spiritual gifts, with which he expects us to serve the body of Christ. These may be:

- 'Ministry’ gifts to enable us to serve others and help meet their needs – teaching, evangelism, pastoral etc.

- ‘Manifestation’ gifts to bring clarity and fruitfulness in other’s lives – a message of wisdom or knowledge, healing, speaking in different kinds of tongues or the interpretation thereof. Or:

- ‘Motivational’ gifts to support one another – encouragement, giving, showing mercy, etc.

These are very loose categories, and there are many ways of looking at these gifts.

In addition, in Ephesians 4:11-12, the gifts God gives to the church are the people themselves – apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.

And all this under Christ, our glorious Head.


Heavenly Father, thank You that You have graciously given each of your children gifts for edifying and encouraging our brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ.

Lord, I pray that I may be used by you in a ‘body ministry’ to other saints of God, so that I may minister to my brothers and sisters in whatever way you choose to use me.



Oh, how good it is – Keith and Kristyn Getty

All for Jesus, all for Jesus - Rev. William John Sparrow-Simpson

Food for Thought:

Have you fully grasped how precious you are to God?

Your church needs you! Have you found you gifting in the body of Christ?

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