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The Christian's Hope


Revelation 21:1-5


In reading these verses again recently, it occurred to me that there is much here to bring us comfort and encouragement at the moment. There are three things which we can look forward to, but which also should spur us into action now.

1. No more death or mourning or crying or pain

We are living through a time the likes of which has not been known for over 100 years. Many have suffered the effects of Covid-19, some very seriously, leaving them with life-changing health conditions. And in England alone, we have now exceeded 50,000 deaths related to the virus.

Even for those who have not contracted the virus themselves, there has been crying at the loss of employment, or not being able to visit and care for family and friends, and mourning at the death of others, heightened by not being able to hold funerals and memorial services in way we would wish.

Even the fear of death is worrying for us.

But this passage tells us that when Christ returns, and sets up his kingdom on earth, all these things will be done away with. A new order will be instigated, where sin and its effects will be banished. So now we pray, ‘Your kingdom come!’ And whilst we wait, we work to see kingdom values manifested on earth.

2. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne Ps.89:14

We live in times when injustice is being called out. The appalling death of George Floyd sparked massive protests across the world during the summer. And it reminds us that injustice prevails right across society. Wherever humans are involved, there will be injustice, because we are so often driven by our own prejudice and self-interest.

In his vision, John sees Jesus ‘seated on the throne’ (Rev. 21:5). Psalm 89 tells us that the foundation of God’s throne is ‘righteousness and justice.’ These are characteristics of God’s kingdom. When Christ returns, and sets up his kingdom on earth, all prejudice and injustice will be done away with. A new order will be instigated, where sin and its effects will be banished.

So now we pray, ‘Your kingdom come!’ And whilst we wait, we strive to see the kingdom values of righteousness and justice manifested on earth.

3. I am making everything new!

People are talking about the ‘new normal.’ How will life and society have changed as a result of our experiences during the pandemic, and the demonstrations against injustice? Will we have changed, or will we revert to behaving as human nature always behaves? When Christ returns, and sets up his kingdom on earth, everything will be made new. A new order will be instigated, where sin and its effects in and through human beings will be banished. Isn’t that something to look forward to with excitement and anticipation?

So, we pray, ‘Your kingdom come!’ And whilst we wait, we work to see kingdom values manifested on earth.


The return of Christ is the Christians’ hope. The setting up of God’s kingdom on earth is what we look forward to and long for. It is the Good News which we proclaim.

So, look up into heaven, and see the glory of God and Jesus there beside him (Acts 7:55-56). He is still on the throne. Be encouraged that he is coming back.

And work: Work to bring comfort through love; Work to see justice at all levels of society; And work to see individuals and society renewed by the power of the gospel.


Amen. Come, Lord Jesus (Rev. 22:20).



How often do you think about the return of Jesus?

How does it influence your life and thinking right now?

How are you working to see kingdom values manifested in our society?

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